In this video we are going to build qr code generator using api source code link is description . Hope you enjoyed this video . Make sure to like this video and do subscribe my channel . Thanks for watching.
How To Create Horizontal Scroll Menu Bar | HTML and CSS
In this video we are going to build a horizontal scroll menu bar inspired by google menu bar in images section in search results. This project is made using html and css. Hope you enjoyed this video. Make sure to like this video and do subscribe my channel...
Image Slideshow Under 5 Minutes | Image Slider | HTML ,CSS and JavaScript
In this video we are going to learn how to make image slider or image slideshow using HTML ,CSS and Vanilla JavaScript under 5 minutes. The design is inspired by flat UI and flat design we have used material colors for flat look .Hope you enjoyed this vide...
Dropdown Menu Using HTML and CSS | Simple Coding
This video teaches you how you can create simple click drop-down menu using HTML , CSS and Vanilla JavaScript. This video entirely beginners friendly. We have created an animated version you can stick to default version. Hope you all enjoyed this video. Ma...